Welcome to the Moss Lane Allotment Association web site
Composting ……It’s good for the soul !
Weeds …… They are our enemy!

NEWS 2024

What’s going down in Veggi Town ?

Jan 24 The annual show is on the 4th August details are HERE Jan 24 Easter is coming! details of our Easter Egg hunt are HERE Jan 24 Fees are now due FINAL NOTICE is HERE Jan 24 Potato festivals details HERE Jan 24 Happy New Year….. Our annual Newsletter is HERE Dec 23 At a meeting on 4th Dec significant changes to the constitution were agreed the amended constitution is HERE Nov 23 Plot fees are due details are HERE Nov 23 Annual General Meeting (AGM) date announced details HERE Oct 23 Dobies seed catalogue is out - dicount and order form HERE (order online or by post) Aug 23 Special General Meeting announced for Dec 23 details HERE Aug 23 We have a September social night details HERE July 23The annual show winners and category first places are HERE July 23 Annual show details and timings are HERE June 23 A Skip is on site on Saturday (Morning) 10th June Details HERE May 23 A few new people have asked about dobies (not Dobbies) click here for the discount code. May 23 The annual show categories are HERE comments welcome April 23 The annual allotment show is on 30th July (details to follow) April 23 Water is ON! … Know the rules! Details are HERE April 23 Scrap Metal Collection Details HERE (Now Closed) April 23 A new post box ! positioned at the gate Details HERE April 23 The gate is repaired and is now more secure Details HERE April 23 A site map is now available click HERE March 23 Easter Egg Hunt 2023 Details HERE March 23 Burning season is Finished Details HERE Jan 23 New Committee members 2023 Click HERE
MLAA News Flash !
We need to keep our records up to date if your details have changed you can update them by downloading the form HERE. Then email it or put it in the post box by the gate